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tv   wusa 9 News at Noon  CBS  February 1, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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. thank you for joining us. i'm jessica doyle if for jc hayward -- in for jc hayward.
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we begin with breaking news coming out of frederick county. two sisters ages 3 and 6 were killed when a quick moving fire swept through their home. flames broke out just after 11:00 last night. the house along highland avenue near harmony road in miersville. scott broom joins us with more in this terrible story. good afternoon, scott. >> reporter: i'm standing here with the house behind me. the place is completely destroyed. to hear neighbors who are hear assisting the people who got out, this is just a parents' nightmare story. two parents, one of whom the mother who leapt from a balcony and a father who had to be pulled from a burning rooftop by firefighters once they got here, those parents trying despately to save the two daughters inside ages 3 and 6. unfortunately it did not work out. those two children died. both parents were injured. they were taken to area hospitals. the good news, if there is any
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here, is that 57-month-old baby -- is that a 7-month-old baby and an 8-year-old child were rescued by the parents after this fire broke out. the neighbors i spoke with said that the fire seemed to have come out of nowhere. they heard screaming outside. they looked outside. the house was already completely in flames before anybody was able to call 911. the parents racing around the house attempting to save their children, and they were able to save two, a 7-month-old infant and an 8-year-old girl but again two sisters ages 3 and 6 killed in this fire that broke out at about 11:30 last night here outside miersville in frederick county. scott broom, wusa9. howard here. your first weather for this friday afternoon. talking about the snow this morning. this thing was a quick hitter, dropped a nice little snow squall. we had a little dusting. caused some problems this morning. it blew up east of us and now it's pulling away. behind is the story for the afternoon will be the winds
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which are gusting to 35 in frederick. 36 in lease burke. we had gusts at -- leesburg. we had gusts 45 miles an hour at dulles. temperatures in the 20s and only 30 now in d.c. 32 at the patuxent river naval air station. i do want to give you a couple of totals. it wasn't a big storm. dusting to an inch. another weak system but the timing once again interfered with the commuters. dulles six tenths. only an inch and a tenth. vienna just over a half-inch. . we have another clipper possibly coming tomorrow night which could give us a little more snow. i'll tell you about thata little bit later. back to you. >> thanks, howard. the morning snow didn't pack much of a punch when it comes to inches but it comes some problems on -- caused some problems on the road n. is near chain bridge road. it happened this morning. it appears the driver lost control, crashed into a
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containment wall. this was just one of several weather-related crashes in the region. no one was seriously injured in any of these accidents. turkish police and u.s. officials are trying to figure out who was behind a deadly explosion at the u.s. embassy in turkey. those inside are safe but the suspected suicide bomber killed himself and a guard. tara mergener has more from the state department. >> reporter: paramedics rushed an injured woman to a waiting ambulance outside the u.s. embassy in turkey. a suspected suicide bomber detonated an explosive device at a side entrance to the heavily fortified embassy killing himself and a turkish guard. >> right now we're all dealing with our sadness at the loss of our fellow member of our embassy. we salute his bravery. >> reporter: the blast sent smoke and debris into the streets of turkey's capital city. police sealed off the area and are examining security camera footage. an official said they've
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identified two people who could be suspects. state department officials are calling the explosion a terrorist act and say they are working with turkish police on the investigation. so far there has been no claim of responsibility. investigators are looking at whether kurdish rebels or islamic militants livinged to al qaeda may be behind the attack. the blast comes as the state department reviews some embassy security procedures following a deadly attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi, libya. the u.s. embassy in ankara is a heavily protected building near several other embassies and just a few blocks from the turkish parliament. tara mergener for cbs news, the state department. >> the state department is advising u.s. citizens traveling or living in turkey to be on alert for potential violence and to avoid demonstrations in large gatherings. big changes in the obama administration today. it's the last day for hillary clinton as secretary of state. she's meeting with president obama at the white house.
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later today she'll say goodbye to her staff. then her replacement, massachusetts senator john kerry will be sworn in. in a letter to d.c. mayor vincent gray, natwar gandhi says he's retiring. he served as the c.e.o. folts past 15 years -- for the past 15 years. he plans to retire on june 1. a judge has denied a motion for a mistrial in the case against a former culpeper cop daniel harmon-wright. the jury used a dictionary to look up the meaning of malice. the jurors convicted the officer on tuesday for the february 2012 shooting death of patricia ann cook. one of new york city's most colorful mayors ed koch has died. we learned this morning that koch died of congestive heart failure. current mayor michael bloomberg called him, quote, annual
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irrepressible icon, our most charismatic cheerleader and champion. he helped rescue new york from near financial ruin during his three terms in office. ed koch was
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start your engines. the washington auto show opens today at the d.c. convention center. so what are the hottest cars and trends this year? joining me now, the man who knows, kevin riley, the show's vice chair. thanks so much for coming in this afternoon to talk about this fantastic and massive auto show that we have right here in washington, d.c. >> thank you very much. it's great to be here. >> you know, the old auto show, when you went to the old convention center, it was smaller. there's still lots of amazing cars on display, but it is
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nothing like what you guys have cooked up. it's massive. >> it's massiv i go around it auto shows all across the world. washington, d.c. has one of the largest auto shows in the world. 750,000 square feet of space. we have over 700 vehicles if 43 different manufacturers -- from 43 different manufacturers. it's personal joy. when i went to georgetown university in the late '80s, i worked the auto show 26 years ago. it was a smaller show. the new convention center is fabulous. when viewers go to this show, they'll see the best manufacturers have to offer. >> when i covered the auto show last year walking the floors, one of the things i was struck by are how interactive the displays are. how you can get in the cars and ride around. what should people expect this year for the adults and the kids? >> there's a lot of activity. i'll start with the kids because i have four little ones. there's a lot going on. they'll have dorothy the explorer, the pbs kids they can interact with.
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but what they enjoy the most is hopping into a car and sitting behind the wheel. >> it really is amazing. going to the displays where you can drive things around is cool, too. >> there's a fiat on display insides the convention center. you can hop into the fiat and one of the professional drivers will take you around the track indoors and there are ride and drives outside of the convention center where you can drive some of the vehicles. >> in terms of the new technology and vehicles on display, what are some trends people will see when they come to the auto show this weekend? >> i think that is what our advantage in washington. the manufacturers want to show not only the consumers but congress what they can do as manufacturers. you'll see three technologies. not only electric vehicles but also the different hybrids that you have and finally hydrogen. you're going to start to see these manufacturers talking about hydrogen. >> nuts and bolts time. when and where, how do we get tickets? is where your viewers want to go. it starts today. runs for ten days. weekends certainly are a great
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time to be there. today is auto trader today so you get $4 off your tickets. tickets are $12 for adults. ages 6 to 12 is only $5. five and under, they come for free. >> wear your sneakers because there's a lot of walking. >> lots to see there. >> you get all your exercise in. i know you're going on sunday with your kids. i'm check it out as well. thanks so much for coming. >> thanks for having me. >> absolutely. the weekend almost here. we could really use some of those spring-like temperatures but that's probably not going to happen. >> no. february has gun and -- has begun and it certainly feels like it. temperatures really struggling. look at the temperatures as we go to break. most in the 20s but we're 30 here. you can hear the wind in my microphone. wind chips even worse. full weekend forecast when wusa9 at noon returns.
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our blitz and glitz team is in new orleans for sunday's big super bowl matchup. when you think of the big easy, the big game isn't the only thing that comes to mind. of course there's the food and then there's new orleans jazz. our jc hayward brings us one story about a man and his horn. ♪
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>> reporter: nestled in the elegant royal son necessary tahoe tell is -- sonesta hotel is the jazz playhouse. every wednesday you can hear members of the new orleans jazz orchestra perform under the leadership of irvin mayfield. >> every day that i wake up and get to do this, i'm living a dream. ♪ >> reporter: he always knew miesk was in his blood from the time he was -- music was in his blood from the time he was 9. the instrument of choice was the strum met. >> you -- trumpet. >> you don't pick the trumpet. the trumpet picks you. there is a long legacy of trumpet players. it's a hum ming experience -- humbling experience -- [ inaudible ] ♪ >> reporter: irvin mayfield serves as the all tur ambassador of new or -- as the
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culture ambassador of new orleans. he is 35 years old. >> the position of being a cultural spokesperson is really about defending the position of the city and the state. it's been an honor to do something like that. >> reporter: despite all his accomplishments, he will always remember the pain he endured from hurricane katrina. >> one of the things that makes new orleans such a powerful, spiritual city, these are things -- secrets that we have that are in the ground. they say that in the french quarter where we are now, that if you listen quietly enough, the sidewalks will speak to you. i think what the sidewalks are tell you is that type of thing that, you know, those people who are gone, they're still there. they're in the sidewalks, in the walls, in the buildings, in the food, in the music. and there are the young people still wanting to play trumpets. >> reporter: jc hayward, wusa9. >> we want you to join us for the super bowl right here of
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course on wusa9. super bowl sunday starting at 6:30. the weather on the couch, howard should be fantastic for the super bowl. >> comfortable, 70 'ish. the bathroom and frig not that far away. >> sounds perfect. >> as opposed to outside right now. >> it is freezing outside when the wind blows. >> painful almost. we were low 70s two days ago. now we have windchills in some spots in the single digits. that's a big change. you have to be prepared for that if you have to be outside. i have people make fun of the ear muffs. i don't care. i'm warm. let's get you going with a look at the day planner on this friday afternoon. sunny skies for the rest of the afternoon. we're done with the snow but those winds will be howling, at times gusting 30, 35, 40 miles an hour as temperatures barely budge from where they are right now. i forecast a high of 34. we were there this morning. this afternoon i think we'll be lucky to get back to 32. we're going to the low 20s in
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d.c. potentially low to mid- teens north and west. 12 hours ago we were watching this system in charleston, west virginia. look how it barreled right across us. redeveloped over the delmarva and dumped upwards of 6 inches of snow toward delaware. about annual inch or so -- an inch or so give or take here in the metro. winds are still howling. gusting to 32 in oakland. gusting 35 at the pax river naval air station. you combine that with temperatures which are now running low to mid-20s in the shenandoah valley to 32 down in southern maryland, 29 in annapolis and 27 in manassas and windchills are a real factor. feeling like 14 in manassas and baltimore. 16 in easton on the windchill. then we get to hagerstown. feels like 8. in garrett county windchill currently 8 below. it's a pretty looking sky on the michael & son weather camera. but it's also pretty cold out there. feeling like 18 with a
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sustained wind west, northeast at 18. humidity way down. 35%. so the air has dried out. just getting touched by the edge of an arctic air mass which extends really in toward the northern plains. look at minnesota right now. international falls 16 below. minneapolis 7 below. that's the core of the cold air. we're just on the periphery here with chicago at 6. they're barrelly going to get into the double digits this afternoon. we're looking at that one system that quickly raced through us this morning. but up here as we go in toward areas in the northern rockies, that northwesterly flow, that's bringing in another disturbance that's going to be here tomorrow night. we've got the cold in place. it's reinforcing behind it now and once again the lake streamers are really starting to flow here from buffalo, northern pennsylvania, southwestern michigan. the snow is flying. hey, snow lovers, ski areas have been passenger the snow. they're --en making the snow. they're getting snow. as you look at futurecast, quiet tonight but tomorrow we start with some sunshine. the clouds will increase during the day.
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tomorrow night, here comes this -- it's tough to call it a clipper. i'm going to call it a clipper but it's a big spin, big energy in the atmosphere. it's going to race across the region overnight saturday night. by midnight, some snow showers. maybe another coating to an inch or so is the way it looks now into sunday morning. then we'll just see that early flurry with a slightly moderating temperatures by early next week. today windy, 34. probably 32 here in town. a lot of areas won't get out of the 20s. tonight 22. that's d.c. mid-teens north and west. 36 tomorrow with nighttime snow showers or a brief period of light snow. sunday the early flurry but 41, looking better. monday still cool at 40. 45 on tuesday with a flurry and still staying in the 40s for highs wednesday and thursday. stick around. we have more of wusa 9news in
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valentine's day just around the corner. so this afternoon we are coupling wine and food with sherry sheffield, a wine contributor with the "washington post" and former lawyer so we know you're -- know your coupling will be judicious. thank so you much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> you're doing a fanfare with cheese. >> we are. we're going to show you some classic pairings and do some fun pairings. classic fanfare with goat cheese. the mineral essence with the creaminess of the goat cheese will pair very well. it will cut through the
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creaminess anden refreshing. >>it's fantastic. i'm not going to lie. you're showing a pork dish next. >> this is a pork tenderloin. pork is one of those versatile meats that can go with red or go with white. a lot of people say oh, we can only have white wine with white meat and red wine with red meat. here we're going to go with a rose. it comes from the oregon region. they're known for pinot noir. >> i love a rose too. >> that's chardonnay and pinot noir. so that should be light and refreshing. >> i can see how that would be wonderful with pork, absolutely. so we're moving on to pasta. you're doing a red with pasta which is interesting because i think a lot of people's knee- jerk reaction is go with white. >> exactly. they think because the pasta is light that they should have a white wine. actually when you're pairing a pasta, it has a sauce, pair the wine with the sauce.
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so this is a red sauce so we're going to have a red wine. this is actually can i anti-- actually chianti. that goes very well with a red sauce from that region. >> you're doing an italian pasta with an italian wine. that makes total sense. but we're jumping around the globe because we're going from italy to japan with some sushi. >> we absolutely are. a lot of people want to have wine with their sushi but they never know what's the proper wine. pinot noir goes very well with salmon. so we've got a pinot noir from oregon again. it's called opp, other people's pinot noir. that's going to give the lightness of the salmon a nice little spice with the flavors from the pinot noir. >> we have about 30 seconds left. we want to take folks -- we want to tell folks, you're
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doing a red with-- >> a classic cabernet savion with the meat. >> you can come by any time. you can check us out any time at we're back at 5:00 p.m. thanks for watching. have a great weekend. [ male announcer ] when your business is powered by verizon,
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